NHS Healthcheck
We've been working with the NHS Support Federation for over 20 years now - it's definitely a cause that's close to our heart.
We've created a framework for them that enables them to lauch quick campaigns in response to government announcements or policy decisions.
The tool allows users to see how their area will be affected in particular. Visitors to the campaign site can input their postcode and thanks to some backend magic we can tell them how the changes will affect their local hospitals or NHS Trusts.
Since the data behind the system is constantly being updated we created an admin dashboard where campaign leaders can update the system by importing data from a Google Spreadsheet; This way the data can easily be kept up to date by many different volunteers.
The tool has been used in campaigns in response to announcement on mental health spending, to check manifesto pledges, privitisation plans and for funding announcements. It's proved very effective and we look forward to using it again (although of course it would be great if we didn't have to...).